
Leukocytes - Erythrocytes - Platelets - Bone marrow - Blood films and diseases - Artefacts - Laboratory techniques

Leukocytes in the peripheral blood

- Leukocytes in general
- Unclassifiable

Normal leukocytes
- Band neutrophils
- Segmented neutrophils
- Eosinophils
- Basophils
- Monocytes
- Lymphocytes
- Plasma cells

Pathological leukocytes
- Atypical lymphocytes
- Smudge cells
- Metamyelocytes
- Myelocytes
- Promyelocytes
- Myeloblasts
- Leukemic blasts

Non-leukocytic cells with nuclei
- Normoblasts
- Megakaryocyte remnants

Toxic abnormalities of neutrophils and monocytes